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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Happy 19th B-day to Me!!
Here are some pics from my b-day weekend!

My cake at home

Trying to blow out the candles...Jess is assisting. lol

On the day before my b-day me and a couple friends got together for a Megan B-day dinner. Meg W. 's b-day is 4 days before mine so we figured we would do a fun joint dinner.

Me and Meg W. at Don Pablo's for a Megan B-day dinner.

My roomie and some friends decorated/toliet papered my side of the room for my b-day! They did it while i was in class...and totally surprised me!

This is what I had on my b-day...since it was on a Mon. and I was at school. They are called Warm Delights and they are microwavable cakes and cookies by Betty Crocker. Good stuff!

That's it for now...i'll be updating shortly with some more pics from school and rush week! Love you all!


At 10/25/2006 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope school is going well.
uncle rob


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