Here it is...

This place is happenin.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

It's been a while... since I have here's what's happened in the Month of October!

Rush Week Fall '06
We had to go to each sorrority during Rush Week. This first two nights were business causual type dress. After each night we got invitations back to the sorrorities...and we went to our top choices the following night.

Me and Katie on the first night of Rush Week.

The second night of Rush Week

The Final Night of Rush Week...we had to wear cocktail dresses.
This is Ashley,Katie, Allison, Me, and Courtney.

Then on Saturday of that week it was called Bid Day. That is when we recieved our final invitiations and we were accepted into our first choice sorrority.

This is Katie, Allison, and me

I got accepted into Zeta Tau Alpha and this is my pledge class!


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